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**Currently Shipping Orders Placed March 5th – 6th • Track your shipment from your account dashboard**

Welcome to the One Place Where Greenwashing Doesn’t Exist 🖤 FREE Shipping on Orders $99+ 🖤 Free Gift with Every $100 order🖤
**Currently Shipping Orders Placed Feb 12th • Track your shipment from your account dashboard**

Organic Products.

Top 5 Tips to Care for Organic Products

  1. Store in a cool, dark place
  2. Use a clean spatula or spoon to prevent bacterial contamination of the products in a jar, and always close it tightly after using.
  3. Avoid getting water in the jar
  4. Always have clean, dry hands.
  5. Do not transfer containers. Transferring containers adds unnecessary exposure to air and contaminants and will shorten shelf life.
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Fun Fact

Double cleansing means to loosen and lieft dirt, makeup, and sunscreen first (typically with an oil-based cleanser such as BEE-OCH 5-in-1 Skin Whip) and then to cleanse again with a regular water-based cleanser such as soap, cream, or micellar water. Even if you are simply removing makeup as a separate step from cleansing, that’s double cleansing!