Wear matte finish makeup instead of shimmer, it will make fine lines look less visible.
Meet the Team
Brooke S.
Queen B
Founder & Owner of BEE-OCH Organics
Brooke is the owner and creator of BEE-OCH Organics. She is an Iowa native transplanted in Colorado 10 years ago to pursue a career in the medical field.
A new baby girl changed those plans, and Brooke decided to take a holistic approach to healthcare. One moment in particular sparked the nerve. While applying “all natural” cocoa butter for her growing baby bump she realized that cocoa butter was the 10th ingredient, with the rest being hormone disrupting emulsifiers, preservatives and artificial fragrance.
Her independent research on the beauty industry quickly affirmed her belief in the need for safer products. Brooke saw that greenwashing was a widely used practice, so she founded BEE-OCH on the principle that only the best will do. BEE-OCH received its USDA Organic certification in 2015. Brooke is proud that her customers can always shop confidently, without the ingredient panel surprises she knows are all too common.

The Bee Oches
Meet the Team
Brooke Queen B
Founder & Owner of Bee-Och Orgranics
Marketing & Social Media Manger
Production Manager
Shipping & Receiving Specialist
- USDA Organic Certified
- Woman Owned
- Small Batch Crafted
- 100% Cruelty Free
- Gluten Free
- Vegan & Zero-Waste Refill Options
- Made in Colorado
- USDA Organic Certified
- Woman Owned
- Small Batch Crafted
- 100% Cruelty Free
- Gluten Free
- Vegan & Zero-Waste Refill Options
- Made in Colorado
The Beginning
How it All Began
Six years ago, on my birthday, I clicked “Publish” on my very first website. But it wasn’t as simple as just a click…
You might bee thinking, “geez why would you spend your birthday working on a website?”. You see, whenever I am working, it’s really just me doing what I love….
The BEE-OCH story began when I was still in college as a pre-med student. Back then, ingredients in products didn’t mean a thing to me. I studied ingredients. Even learned to draw different chemical structures and interactions. But not once did I think to myself, “Yuck, why is this in here?”
Not until my little baby girl came along that is. It was this big bottle of “all natural” cocoa butter I was using on my growing belly that really ignited the whole thing (look, I still have it just as a reminder!)
So I’m standing there, mindlessly applying this bottle of toxic horror and skimming the chemical names like I often did, when it hit me like a rolled up newspaper…
Why is cocoa butter (in a cocoa butter lotion) the 7th ingredient in line!? Why is cocoa butter among 17 other ingredients at all when I could just buy actual cocoa butter!? Why am I paying for water? What are all these other ingredients for?
I panicked. I was scared for my little unborn baby that was only a few layers of skin away. I can only describe it as a sinking, cold sweat type of feeling. And then and there, the research began.
As it turns out, this bottle alone contains parabens that are hormone distruptors (mimicking estrogen), “fragrance” that hides their trade secret (a chemical witches brew that we aren’t allowed to know), sulfate which is a sudsing agent (strange combo for a lotion, eh?), and last but not least, 4 different color dyes (just in case they haven’t fooled us enough already).
Now, the story doesn’t immediately proceed with gung-hoeing some amazing clean formulas. It actually starts in the skincare isle at the local drug store. My cart was loaded up with the oh-so popular “natural” brand. But before I could drop over $100 on new lotion, shampoo, lip balm, toothpaste, and sunscreen, I took a peek at the ingredient panels…
To my surprise, the formulas were very similar to their “non-natural” counterparts (just with some added natural ingredients for good measure). What I came to realize is that every single product labeled and marketed as natural in that isle were not natural at all! A term I would later find out is called “greenwashing”.
I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t justify spending 5 times more on the same damn thing! Everything in my cart went back on the shelf that day and I left the store empty handed and full-on angry.
I knew there had to bee a better way. I threw out (ok, recycled rather) all of my smelly bottles of nonsense in the medicine cabinet and bathroom drawers and started from scratch.
Over the next 3 or 4 years, I had only one thing in mind. Formulating and perfecting truly clean products with only organic ingredients (beeswax lip balm being the very first) before I even thought of turning it into a business.
Then one day my husband asked, “B, do you really want to make lip balm for a living?” and I blurted out, “Yeah, BEE-OCH!”. We both looked at each other with the same amused idea. That was it!
So there you have it. The reason I work on my bee-day is because this is my passion. This is what I get excited about. This is what I am here to do. Thank you from the bottom of my little queen BEE-OCH crown for all your support over these past 6 years. It has been the most amazing experience and I am so excited to keep improving, innovating, and growing as a business and a person with you.
Your new favorite BEE-OCH
P.S. Please celebrate 9 years with us! You’ll find FREE Shipping on all orders over $99 plus 15% OFF your first online purchase when you subscribe to my newsletter on the main page here.